To order a special Chakra Tuned, Pure Note, Colored Singing Bowl

call Ron at 303-957-7369 or email

Crystal Journey Bowl Image copy

Inner Vision Journey is excited to be working with one of the original creators of fine-tuned, high quality Crystal Singing Bowls. Here you can acquire a special object to assist you on your path. Choose from a selection of Crystal Singing Bowls, Clear & Frosted Ohm Bowls, Colored Chakra Tuned Vision Bowls, Alchemy Gem Bowls, Crystal Triangles as well as other meditative, vibrational healing tools and materials.

As you proceed on your Journey to expanded consciousness through guided meditations, exercises and visualizations, sacred crystal sounds enhance your experience exponentially. As we move into the higher vibrational frequencies, our entire system harmonizes and balances, allowing dimensional shifts to occur. We are able to break through old habits and patterns and be more Present with the Greater Whole.

Inner Vision Journey invites you to explore what happens to body/mind/spirit when meditating or doing Guidebook exercises to the sound of Crystal Journey Singing Bowls, Colored Chakra Tuned Vision Bowls, Crystal Triangles and other vibrational healing tools. We have much to learn about our energetic systems. Through concentration, into contemplation and eventually through meditation the answers come. Using sound vibration to enhance the experience is now more possible than ever!

Interested in learning more about why Sacred Sound enhances your meditative experience?

              For more information visit our section on meditative tools and materials.


Inner Vision Journey offers discounted prices for Chakra Tuned Crystal Singing Bowls, Journey & Vision Bowls, Triangles or Tuning Forks along with broad selection to tools, materials and guides to open, expand and aid one’s place on the path.

For more information and to order your own special singing bowl visit our on-line store at

Chakra Tuned Bowls are tuned to a tone that corresponds with the seven major chakras C,D,E,F,G,A and B – for a PURE NOTE bowl add $45. to price listed for each bowl.

Call Ron at 303-957-7369 to specify color, size and tone or PURE NOTE 

 or email